Kyushu Expressway Pass (KEP) | NICONICO Rent a Car
NICONICO RENT A CAR > Driving In Japan > Kyushu Expressway Pass (KEP)

Kyushu Expressway Pass (KEP)

What is the Kyushu Expressway Pass (KEP)?

The Kyushu Expressway Pass is a pass that gives unlimited access to Kyushu’s Expressways for a flat-rate. The pass is only offered to tourists with foreign passports (who do not reside in Japan). Many of Japan’s major highways collect tolls upon entering. The tolls vary in price, but can cost upwards of 1,000JPY (a little less than $10USD), and that’s one way! These toll charges quickly add up, especially if you travel large distances. By renting a KEP you can save a lot of money.

How much does it cost?

The cost of the KEP is dependent on the duration of the rental. You can see the price for your rental duration in the table below. Prices include ETC card rental (which is required to use the KEP)

Rental Duration Price (Yen)
2 Days ¥6,530
3 Days ¥8,730
4 Days ¥10,930
5 Days ¥13,130
6 Days ¥15,330
7 Days ¥17,530
8 Days ¥19,730
9 Days ¥21,930
10 Days ¥24,130

A person inserting an ETC card into the ETC reader inside of a car

Inserting an ETC card into the ETC card reader

How do I use it?

The Kyushu Expressway Pass is connected to the ETC Card, or Electronic Toll Collection card. Therefore, in order to use the Kyushu Expressway Pass, you must also rent an ETC card. Do not worry, the price of the ETC card is very cheap (324JPY for your entire rental duration).

The ETC card is simply inserted into the ETC reader inside of the vehicle (usually located in or around the glove-box). usually the rental car shop staff will help you find the card reader. When you enter a tolled expressway, you will see several gates. Make your way to any gate that has a sign labelled “ETC” or “ETC/一般” (The sign is usually purple or half purple, half green). Slow your vehicle down to 20km/hr as you approach the gate arm. Your ETC device located inside your vehicle should make a loud sound, notifying you that the ETC payment went through. The gate arm will lift and you can continue on your way down the expressway.

ETC toll gate

Expressway toll gate for ETC cards

Which expressways are included in the KEP?

The KEP gives you unlimited access to:

  • Kyushu Expressway
  • Higashi-Kyushu Expressway
  • Oita Expressway
  • Nagasaki Expressway
  • Kyushu Expressway
  • Miyazaki Expressway

Can I rent it with my car?

Yes! NICONICO Rent a Car is permitted to issue the Kyushu Expressway Pass. To add a Kyushu Expressway Pass to your rental, simply book a car from the Top Page and add the Kyushu Expressway Pass in the third step (Select Extras).

For more information about the Kyushu Expressway Pass, please see this website: [Foreign Visitors to Japan Only] Kyushu Expressway Pass

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